Book Review: Blue and Bertie by Kristyna Litten

1st February 2016 No Comments

blue-and-bertie-9781471123757_lgWith a beautiful spring like feel to it, Blue and Bertie is a gorgeously illustrated picture book suitable for 3 + years. It tells the tale of Bertie the giraffe who likes his routine, but one day that gets disrupted and he meets a new friend. This is a tale about difference, about embracing change and about friendship.

Kristyna is an acclaimed artist and you can clearly see her skill in this book, each page is worthy of framing and the illustrations make it a joy to read with your child. I really enjoy reading my children books with quality illustrations as they make such a difference to the experience. You’ll love this book just for that, although the story is great, its clever and has a really helpful message.

Its usually around this time of year that children new to school start experiencing some of the ups and downs of friendship and also start embracing and questioning their individuality. This would be a very helpful book for a child trying to deal with those sorts of emotional issues.

You’ll find all the information here

Claire Walsh

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